Fiche : [DIV325]
Titre : T. LEQUEU, Informations diverses sur les fils de cuivre AWG, LITZ et méplat, octobre 2013.
Cité dans : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022. Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans : [DIV002] Liste des librairies et des catalogues constructeurs, décembre 2014. Cité dans :[99DIV120] T. LEQUEU, Annexe 03 - Calculs des inductances et des transformateurs, cours d'Electronique de Puissance, décembre 2002. Cité dans :[DATA260] Cité dans :[DATA261]
Vers : Ajout d'octobre 2013
Vers : Recherche du mardi 28 septembre 2004
Vers : Ajout de mars 2004
Vers : Recherche du mardi 10 février 2004
Vers : Recherche Google du 20 mars 2002 - FILS DE LITZ - LITZ WIRE
Recherche Google du 20 mars 2002 - FILS DE LITZ - LITZ WIRE |
For further information
From :
A paper by Charles Sullivan at Dartmouth, with outstanding presentation of theory, equations, design charts, etc: "Optimal Choice for Number of Strands in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding"
[1] : [ART177] C.R. SULLIVAN, Optimal Choice for Number of Strands in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 1997.
Various manufacturers (do a web search for "Litz wire" and you'll get bunches of hits..)
Site :
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Reverse Chronological Listing of Selected Papers
Site :
Jieli Li, C.R. Sullivan, and Aaron Schultz. "Coupled Inductor Design Optimization for Fast-Response Low-Voltage DC-DC Converters.” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, March 2002.
A.F. Hoke and C.R. Sullivan. "An Improved Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling Method for E-Core Transformers.” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Dallas, March 2002. For more complete documentation, you can also download Anderson Hoke's complete thesis on the same topic.
Jieli Li, T. Abdallah and C.R. Sullivan, "Improved Calculation of Core Loss With Nonsinusoidal Waveforms." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 2001, Chicago, pp. 2203-2210.
J.D. McCurdy, C.R. Sullivan and V.F. Petrenko, "Using Dielectric Losses to De-Ice Power Transmission Lines with 100 kHz High-Voltage Excitation." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 2001, Chicago, pp. 2515-2519.
Jiankun Hu and C.R. Sullivan. "AC Resistance of Planar Power Inductors and the Quasidistributed Gap Technique." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 16(4), July 2001, pp. 558 -567.
C.R. Sullivan and A.M. Kern, "Capacitors With Fast Current Switching Require Distributed Models", IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 2001, Vancouver.
C.R. Sullivan, J.D. McCurdy and R.A. Jensen, "Analysis of Minimum Cost in Shape-Optimized Litz-Wire Inductor Windings," IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 2001, Vancouver.
C.R. Sullivan, T. Abdallah, and T. Fujiwara. "Optimization of a flyback transformer winding considering two-dimensional field effects, cost and loss." APEC 2001, Sixteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Volume: 1, March 2001, pp. 116 -122.
C.R. Sullivan. "Cost-Constrained Selection of Strand Wire and Number in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 16 (2), March 2001, pp. 281-8.
C.R. Sullivan "Computationally Efficient Winding Loss Calculation with Multiple Windings, Arbitrary Waveforms, and Two- or Three-Dimensional Field Geometry." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 16(1), Jan. 2001, pp. 142-50.
K.D. Coonley, G.J. Mehas, C.R. Sullivan, U.J. Gibson. "Evaporatively Deposited Co-MgF2 Granular Materials for Thin-Film Inductors." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36(5), September 2000.
S. Prabhakaran, D. E. Kreider, Yu Lin, C. R. Sullivan. "Fabrication of Thin-Film V-Groove Inductors Using Composite Magnetic Materials." IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging, Waltham, MA, July 2000.
G.J. Mehas, K.D. Coonley, and C.R. Sullivan. "Converter and Inductor Design for Fast-Response Microprocessor Power Delivery." IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 2000, Galway, Ireland.
C.R. Sullivan, "Winding Loss Calculation with Multiple Windings, Arbitrary Waveforms and Two-Dimensional Field Geometry." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1999, Phoenix, pp. 2093-2099. (This paper is superceded by the 2001 Transactions on Power Electronics article, but the original is still available if you really want it. )
C.R. Sullivan, "Analytical Method for Generalization of Numerically Optimized Inductor Winding Shapes." IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, June 1999, Charleston, pp. 568-573.
C.R. Sullivan. "Optimal Choice for Number of Strands in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 14(2), March 1999, pp. 283-291.
G.J. Mehas, K.D. Coonley, and C.R. Sullivan. "Design of Microfabricated Inductors for Microprocessor Power Delivery". IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, March 1999, Dallas, pp. 1181-1187.
C.R. Sullivan. "Cost-Constrained Selection of Strand Wire and Number in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1998, St. Louis, pp. 900-906. (This paper is superseded by the 2001 Transactions on Power Electronics paper, but the original is still available if you really want it.
J. Hu and C.R. Sullivan. "Optimization of Shapes for Round Wire, High Frequency Gapped Inductor Windings." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1998, St. Louis, pp. 907-911.
J. Hu and C.R. Sullivan. "The Quasi-Distributed Gap Technique for Planar Inductors--Design Guidelines." IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1997, New Orleans. Vol. 2, pp. 1147-1152. (This paper is superseded by the 2001 Transactions on Power Electronics paper, but the original is still available if you really want it.
Recherche du mardi 10 février 2004 |
[1] : [DATA223] ELEC'2000, Salon de l'electricité, PARIS-Nord, France, 11-15 décembre 2000.
Site :
Lien : Cuivre-RS.pdf - 40 Ko, 1 pages.
[1] : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022.
Lien : Cuivre.doc - 3 pages, 73 Ko, AWG, fils de litz et méplat.
Lien : Cuivre.pdf - 3 pages, 73 Ko, AWG, fils de litz et méplat.
Info : Societé Ecofit - rue Marc Seguin - 41100 VENDOME
Lien :
Tel : 02 54 23 14 54
Fax : 02 54 72 22 73
Activité : fabrication de moteurs électriques
Info : Merot Sodex (Sté) - 21 route Vauzelles - 37600 LOCHES
Info : Mr POQUIN
Tel : 02 47 91 11 50
Fax : 02 47 91 11 55
Activité : électricité - matériel de production et de transport (fabrication)
Ajout de mars 2004 |
[1] : [ART486] [D2610], J.-C. DELOMEL, Conducteurs métalliques - Présentation générale, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, mai 2003. [2] : [ART487] [D2611], J.-C. DELOMEL, Conducteurs métalliques - Présentation générale, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, mai 2003. [3] : [DIV325] T. LEQUEU, Informations diverses sur les fils de cuivre AWG, LITZ et méplat, octobre 2013.
Recherche du mardi 28 septembre 2004 |
[1] : [PAP520] [M430], Propriétés du cuivre et de ses alliages, D. ARNAUD, J. BARBERY, R. BIAIS, B. FARGETTE, P. NAUDOT, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Traité Matériaux métalliques, avril 1985, 50 pages. [2] : [PAP521] [M660], Mise en forme du cuivre et des alliages de cuivre, G. TRAPIED, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Traité Matériaux métalliques, juillet 1981, 21 pages.
Ajout d'octobre 2013 |
[1] : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022.
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