"Surface destroying of brittle materials by thermoshock.
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Article : [TRIAC089]

Info : REPONSE 130, le 04/02/2002.

Titre : Surface destroying of brittle materials by thermoshock.

Cité dans : [DIV333]  Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.
Auteur : Bochkov, N.A. (NPO 'Luch', Podol'sk, Russia)
Auteur : Egorov, V.S.

Source : Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov n 2 Mar-Apr 1993.p 53-58
ISSN : 0015-3214
Année : 1993
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; Experimental
Language : Russian
Stockage :

Abstract :
The fracture of ZrC disks due to thermoshocks in tin melt and due to
local electron beam heating was investigated.Shorttime high temperature
effects lead to fracture in the narrow compressed zones and have a kinetic
nature.Fracture in compressed and stretched zones is controlled by the
compression stress gradients.7 Refs.

Accession_Number : 1993(48):2022 COMPENDEX

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