"Advances in bonding technology for electronic packaging.
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Article : [TRIAC090]

Info : REPONSE 134, le 04/02/2002.

Titre : Advances in bonding technology for electronic packaging.

Cité dans : [DIV333]  Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.
Auteur : Lee, Chin C. (Univ of California, Irvine, CA, USA)
Auteur : Wang, Chen Y.;
Auteur : Matijasevic, Goran

Source : Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME v 115 n 2
Jun 1993.p 201-207
ISSN : 1043-7398
Année : 1993
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; General Review
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
Recent progress in bonding materials is briefly reviewed with
highlights of some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various
attachment processes.The principle and experimental results of bonding
with multilayer structures of Au-Sn and Au-In are presented.Using solid
state as well as liquid phase diffusion of the multilayers, bonding
temperatures less than the final melting point of the alloy can be
used.This technique therefore allows reversal of the conventional
soldering step hierarchy allowing a higher temperature process to follow
the multilayer bonding step.Proper deposition of the multilayers inhibits
oxidation of tin or indium.Die attachment experiments confirmed that high
quality bonding can be obtained as seen in the void-free bonding layer
images done by scanning acoustic microscopy. Cross-section examinations
with SEM and EDX show near-eutectic alloy formation of good
uniformity.Thermal shock tests confirmed the high strength of these solder
alloys.(Author abstract) Refs.

Accession_Number : 1993(38):1546 COMPENDEX

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