"Numerical simulation of heavy ion charge generation and collection dynamics", 1993.
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Article : [SHEET134]

Titre : Numerical simulation of heavy ion charge generation and collection dynamics, 1993.

Cité dans :[THESE071] E. LORFEVRE, Défaillances induites par les rayonnements ionisants dans les composants de puissance IGBT et VIP. Solutions de durcissement, thèse de Doctorat, Montpellier, 30 octobre 1998.
Auteur : Dussault, H.;
Auteur : Howard, J.W., Jr.;
Auteur : Block, R.C.;
Auteur : Pinto, M.R.;
Auteur : Stapor, W.J.;
Auteur : Knudson, A.R. - Dept. of Nucl. Eng. & Eng. Phys., Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., Troy, NY, USA

Appears : Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 1926 - 1934
Date : Dec. 1993
Volume : 40
Issue : 6 Part: 1-2
ISSN : 0018-9499
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/DUSSAULT.pdf - 795 Ko.

Abstract :
Describes a complete simulation approach to investigating the
physics of heavy-ion charge generation and collection during a
single event transient in a p-n diode. The simulations explore
the effects of different ion track models, applied biases,
background dopings and LET (linear energy transfer) on the
transient responses of a p-n diode. The simulation results show
that ion track structure and charge collection via
diffusion-dominated processes play important roles in determining
device transient responses. The simulations show no evidence of
rapid charge collection in excess of that deposited in the device
depletion region in typical funneling time frames. Further, the
simulations clearly show that the device transient responses are
not simple functions of the ion's incident LET. The simulation
results imply that future studies should consider the effects of
ion track structure and extend transient charge collection times
to insure that reported charge collection efficiencies include
diffusion-dominated collection processes.<>

Subjet_terms :
heavy ion charge generation; single event transient; p-n diode;
ion track models; applied biases; background dopings; LET; linear
energy transfer; transient responses; diffusion-dominated
processes; funneling time frames; ion track structure; transient
charge collection; charge measurement; ion beam effects;
semiconductor device testing; semiconductor diodes; transient

Accession_Number : 4638535

References : 25

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