"The effects of ionizing radiation on power-MOSFET termination structures", 1989.
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Article : [SHEET132]

Titre : The effects of ionizing radiation on power-MOSFET termination structures, 1989.

Cité dans :[THESE071] E. LORFEVRE, Défaillances induites par les rayonnements ionisants dans les composants de puissance IGBT et VIP. Solutions de durcissement, thèse de Doctorat, Montpellier, 30 octobre 1998.
Auteur : Davis, K.R.;
Auteur : Schrimpf, R.D.;
Auteur : Cellier, F.E.;
Auteur : Galloway, K.F.;
Auteur : Burton, D.I.;
Auteur : Wheatley, C.F., Jr. - Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ, USA

Appears : Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 2104 - 2109
Date : Dec. 1989
Volume : 36
Issue : 6 Part: 1-2
ISSN : 0018-9499
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/DAVIS.pdf - 433 Ko.

Abstract :
The effects of ionizing radiation on power-MOSFET termination
structures were examined through two-dimensional simulation. A
wide range of sensitivity to surface-charge density was found for
various devices employing floating field rings and/or
equipotential field plates. Termination structures that were both
insensitive to surface charge and possessed a high breakdown
voltage were identified. The results are compared with
measurements made on selected structures. Insights into the
design of optimum termination structures are obtained.<>

Subjet_terms :
ionising radiation effects; computer code; power-MOSFET
termination structures; two-dimensional simulation; sensitivity;
surface-charge density; floating field rings; equipotential field
plates; breakdown voltage; optimum termination structures;
digital simulation; electric breakdown of solids; insulated gate
field effect transistors; power transistors; radiation effects

Accession_Number : 3606253

References : 14

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