R. Schlegel, E. Herr, F. Richter, "Reliability of non-hermetic pressure contact IGBT modules", ESREF'2001, pp. 1689-1694
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Article : [PAP371]

Titre : R. Schlegel, E. Herr, F. Richter, Reliability of non-hermetic pressure contact IGBT modules, ESREF'2001, pp. 1689-1694

Cité dans : [DATA227] ESREF'2001, 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Arcachon, France , 1-5 octobre 2001.
Cité dans : [DATA240] Recherche sur l'auteur E. HERR, mai 2002.
Cité dans : [ART242]  R. SCHLEGEL, E. HERR, F. RICHTER, Reliability of non-hermetic pressure contact IGBT modules,  Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 41, No. 9-10, September/October 2001, pp. 1689-1694.
Auteur : F. Richter
Auteur : E. Herr
Auteur : R. Schlegel

Adresse : ABB Semiconductors - Switzerland
Source : ESREF'2001 - 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis - Arcachon - France.
Date : 1-5 octobre 2001
Site : http://www.elsevier.com/locate/microrel
Pages : 1689 - 1694
Lien : private/RICHTER.pdf - 6 pages, 573 Ko.

Abstract :
The reliability of a newly developed non-hermetic pressure contact module for high power applications was
investigated. Besides the standard reliabilty tests one focus was the evaluation of the resistance to humidity. A
highly accelerated temperature and humidity stress test (HAST) was introduced to shorten the learning cycles
during the design phase. The main focus of interest however was on the reliability of a non-hermetic pressure
contact module in two relevant application situations: the life expectancy under thermal (power) cycling
conditions and the capability of a module, when it fails with a short circuit, to remain in that failure mode even
under full application load. Based on an experimental assessment of the respective capabilities under test
conditions, theoretical estimations then predict performance and margins in both application situations.



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