S. SINGER, "Realization of loss-free resistive elements", IEEE Trans Circuits Syst, vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 1990, pp. 54-60.
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Article : [99ART082]

Titre : S. SINGER, Realization of loss-free resistive elements, IEEE Trans Circuits Syst, vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 1990, pp. 54-60.

Cité dans :[99DIV045] Recherche sur l'auteur Sigmund SINGER, 20 août 1999.
Auteur : Singer Sigmunt (School of Eng, Tel Aviv Univ, Isr)

Source : IEEE Trans Circuits Syst v 37 n 1
Date : Jan 1990
Pages : 54 - 60
ISSN : 0098-4094
Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 24
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU

Abstract :
The realization of loss-free elements with resistive I-V
characteristics is presented.The realization is achieved by
controlling the parameters of loss-free two-ports that have a
transformer or gyrator matrix.The power absorbed by the element is
transferred to the source, so that, in principle, no losses occur.
The use of such elements is expected to be of importance in power
electronics, power conversion systems, gas discharge devices,
control systems, robotics, and microwave circuits.Such an element
was realized using a switched-mode circuit technique.It was applied
to the stabilization of a gas laser system.The circuit replaced a
conventional resistor that dissipated power up to 40 W. The
replacement circuit dissipated only 10 W (equivalent to a conversion
efficiency of 75%).

Accession_Number : 1990(5):57859

References : 13 Refs.

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