"Evaluation method of thermal shock resistance of epoxy resin based on fracture mechanics.
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Article : [TRIAC095]

Info : REPONSE 168, le 04/02/2002.

Titre : Evaluation method of thermal shock resistance of epoxy resin based on fracture mechanics.

Cité dans : [DIV333]  Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + shock + liquid , février 2002.
Auteur : Kubouchi, Masatoshi (Tokyo Inst of Technology, Tokyo, Jpn)
Auteur : Hojo,
Auteur : Hidemitsu

Source : Zairyo v 39 n 437 Feb 1990 p 202-207
ISSN : 0514-5163
Année : 1990
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Language : Japanese
Stockage :

Abstract :
In order to evaluate the thermal shock resistance of epoxy resin, a
thermal shock test consisting in quenching notched disk specimens in a
low-temperature liquid was developed, and a theoretical analysis was made
on the basis of theory of elasticity and linear fracture mechanics.The
thermal shock test was carried out on a very brittle epoxy resin by
changing the notch length and cooling time.It was found that, by using
this thermal shock test, the critical temperature difference corresponding
to the minimum energy necessary to propagate a crack was clearly
obtained.The critical temperature difference was represented by
dimensionless stress intensity factors KI.The distribution of KI increased
with an increase in the notch length, and showed a maximum peak. KI
obtained by the experiment agreed well with the theoretical one.For the
thermal shock resistance of epoxy resin, the usefulness of the minimum
critical temperature difference calculated from the thermal shock fracture
toughness was clearly shown.From both the theoretical and experimental
results, the suitable cooling time for this test was found to be the time
when the dimensionless stress intensity factor becomes maximum, which was
280 sec for the resin used.(Edited author abstract) 7 Refs.In Japanese.

Accession_Number : 1990(7):81016 COMPENDEX

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