S.C. WONG, H.C. LIN, "An improved model for SCR and TRIAC", 1988.
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Article : [TRIAC054]

Titre : S.C. WONG, H.C. LIN, An improved model for SCR and TRIAC, 1988.

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : S.C. Wong
Auteur : H.C. Lin - Dept. of Electr. Eng., Maryland Univ., College Park, MD, USA

Appears : Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1988., Conference Record of the 1988 IEEE
Pages : 629 - 632
Volume : 1
Date : 2-7 Oct. 1988
Info : Total Pages: 2 vol. 1928
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/WONG.pdf - 4 pages, 210 Ko.

Abstract :
The authors present a SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) model
with an intrinsic three-junction configuration. The conductivity
modulation in the high-current region and the SNS
(Sah-Noyce-Shockley) recombination in the low-current region are
both considered, and the on-state DC I-V curve is calibrated
numerically with respect to the data specification sheet. This
model has advantages of both flexibility and accuracy over
existing models, while still preserving the simplicity. The model
can be easily extended for triac modeling.<>

Subjet_terms :
SNS recombination; Sah-Noyce-Shockley recombination; model; SCR;
TRIAC; silicon-controlled rectifier; intrinsic three-junction
configuration; conductivity modulation; high-current region;
low-current region; on-state DC I-V curve; semiconductor device
models; thyristors

References : 6
Accession_Number : 3380126

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