EPCOS, "Traction Capacitor", PCIM, 21 september 2000.
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Titre : EPCOS, Traction Capacitor, PCIM, 21 september 2000.

Cité dans :[REVUE155] PCIM Europe, Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems, no 8/9 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV182]  Catalogue EPCOS, Condensateurs, février 2001.
Site : http://www.zm-com.com

The Epcos B43560/580 aluminium electrolytic capacitor employ latest anode foil technology to give them a 120 % higher capacitance than alternative devices available on the market. The highly compact design also yields better thermal resistance values making the capacitors ideal for high voltage applications at temperatures up to 105oC. These devices are particularly well suited to traction applications where weight reduction is playing an increasingly important role. The screw terminal capacitors are available in three voltage ratings 350, 400 and 450 V DC with capacitance values ranging from 1800 to 12000 micro Farad.

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