M. POECH, R. EISELE, "Modelling behaviour of large area solder joints", PCIM.
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Titre : M. POECH, R. EISELE, Modelling behaviour of large area solder joints, PCIM.

Cité dans :[REVUE155] PCIM Europe, Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems, no 8/9 2000.
Auteur : Max Poech - Fraunhofer Institut ISIT.
Auteur : Ronald Eisele - Danfoss Silicon Power.

Lien : Pcim144.pdf - 4 pages, 168 Ko.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU

Abstract :
Proving long-term mechanical stability and reliability. The creep behaviour of solder is incorporated into the bending analysis. Modelling has been kept simple, but the computational assessment of creep in a solder layer compares well with experimental results.

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