"GTO chopper at 2000 Hz switching frequency for a DC current source 1000 A -1200V.
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Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 3, le 19/06/2000.

Titre : GTO chopper at 2000 Hz switching frequency for a DC current source 1000 A -1200V.

Cité dans : [DATA146] LTN, Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles, INRETS, Arcueil, France.
Auteur : Coquery, G. (INRETS-LTN, Fr)
Auteur : Lallemand, R.
Auteur : Peureux, J.L

Meeting : Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
Location : Brighton, Engl
Date : 13 Sep 1993-16 Sep 1993
Source : Materials and Devices IEE Conference Publication v 2 n 377 1993. Publ by IEE, Michael Faraday House, Stevenage, Engl.p 362-367
ISSN : 0537-9987
ISBN : 0-85296-584-2
Année : 1993
Meeting_Number : 19652
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
Thyristors GTO are used in choppers circuits to deliver a DC current
to supply resonant power inverters or plasma arc power devices.A 1,
2 MW power is obtained with connection in parallel of two chopper
modules including each one only one GTO switch with a DC rectifier.A
2000 Hz switching frequency is reached by using two choppers module
with an overlapped 1000 Hz switch on., For each chopper the
repetitive current commutated is 600 A under the nominal DC voltage
of 1200 V, this is possible without increasing GTO's switching
losses by using the highly interdigited GTO's structure in the
thyristors assisted operation mode.A protection is available against
direct short-circuit on the output.A current regulation allows a
good dynamic response on the whole current range.This paper discuss
and describe the commutation principle of GTO, and shows
oscillograms and experimental results at 1 MW output power on
resistive load and plasma arc.(Author abstract)

References : 13 Refs.

Accession_Number : 1994(14):4011

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