Article : [PAP594]
Info : REPONSE 86, le 17/11/2005.
Titre : High-efficiency solar panel/wind turbine converter with maximal power control.
Cité dans : [DIV484] Recherche sur les mots clés HYDROGENE, PANNEAU SOLAIRE, EOLIENNE, SUPERCAPACITE, HYBRID VEHICLES et ENERGIE RENOUVELABLE, janvier 2011.Auteur : van den Heever, P.D.
Source : EPE '89. 3rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Editor(s): Leonhard, W.; Holtz, J.; Skudelny, H.C.
Dusseldorf, West Germany: EPE '89-Secretariat, 1989. p.663-8 vol.2 of 3 vol. 1649 pp. 15 refs.
Conference: Aachen, West Germany, 9-12 Oct 1989
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical
Info : Country of Publication : Germany, Federal Republic of
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches :
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Abstract :
A high-efficiency boost converter for converting the output voltage of a solar panel array, or wind turbine, to
the required DC bus voltage, feeding a battery bank and an inverter, is described. The series inclusion of the
converter necessitates a high efficiency, therefore the first objective is the maximization of the energy
efficiency of the converter. This is attained by effective power switch driving, implementing a regenerative
snubber, using low loss core material and utilizing Schottky diodes. A comparative investigation between
bipolar transistors and field effect transistors as switching elements, is made towards total converter
efficiency. In order to maximize the overall efficiency of the renewable energy system, it is necessary to
track the maximum power point of the input source. Maximum power tracking is achieved by measurements
of the output current and voltage, calculating and maximizing output power.
Accession_Number : 1990:3569385 INSPEC
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