Article : [PAP593]
Info : REPONSE 85, le 17/11/2005.
Titre : Design of a solar/wind power supply for a remote data acquisition station.
Cité dans : [DIV484] Recherche sur les mots clés HYDROGENE, PANNEAU SOLAIRE, EOLIENNE, SUPERCAPACITE, HYBRID VEHICLES et ENERGIE RENOUVELABLE, janvier 2011.Auteur : Heinemann, D.
Source : INTELEC 89. Eleventh International Telecommunications Energy Conference. Conference Proceedings (Cat.
New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1989. p.22.3/1-4 vol.2 of 2 vol. 886 pp. 1 refs.
Conference: Florence, Italy, 15-18 Oct 1989
Sponsor(s): IEEE
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
Stockage :
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Abstract :
The authors report on simulation calculations carried out to determine the system configuration of an
autonomous renewable power supply for a remote ecological station monitoring concentrations of O3 and
NO2. The system has a mean electric load of 100-120 W, is powered by photovoltaics and a wind-energy
converter, and includes a Pb-battery storage. No backup energy source is used. The same system design
should be valid for telecommunication stations having a power demand in the same range. Although the
given site is characterized by a rather poor wind climate (v10m=3.7 m/s), the utilization of two
to-some-extent complementary energy sources leads to a considerable saving in hardware investments. the
levelling of the energy production is beneficial for the system's battery. Only 30-35% of the load is supplied
by the battery, thus yielding a low effective cycling rate which extends the lifetime of the battery. Load
management strategies may improve the matching of load profile and renewable energy production
considerably. Reductions in system hardware up to a factor of 2 (depending on the applied strategy) are
Accession_Number : 1990:3719348 INSPEC
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