Article : [PAP581]
Info : REPONSE 12, le 17/11/2005.
Titre : A bidirectional DC/DC power electronic converter for an energy storage device in an autonomous power system.
Cité dans : [DIV484] Recherche sur les mots clés HYDROGENE, PANNEAU SOLAIRE, EOLIENNE, SUPERCAPACITE, HYBRID VEHICLES et ENERGIE RENOUVELABLE, janvier 2011.Auteur : Hu, Y.
Source : Conference Proceedings IPEMC 2004. The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04EX677)
Editor(s): Wang, Z.
Xi'an, China: Xi'an Jiaotong Univ. Press, 2004. p.171-6 Vol.1 of xxvii+1818 pp. 15 refs.
Conference: Xi'an, China, 14-16 Aug 2004
Sponsor(s): China Electrotechnical Soc. (CES); National Natural Sci. Found. of China (NSFC)
ISBN: 7-5605-1869-9
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical
Info : Country of Publication : China
Language : English
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Abstract :
The paper discusses a bidirectional DC/DC converter for interfacing an energy storage device in an
autonomous power system, which consists of wind turbines and diesel generation units. The operation
condition variations, such as switching load, could cause significant dynamics in an autonomous system. An
energy storage device can effectively increase the utilization of the renewable energy and improve the
capability of dealing with dynamics. This paper studies a two-bridge type of power electronic system for
interfacing an energy storage system that can provide the short-term power balance and smoothes the power
variation. A control strategy is presented. The simulation results have demonstrated that the system can
provide fast response to secure the system reliability and power quality.
Accession_Number : 2004:8303348 INSPEC
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