Article : [PAP580]
Info : REPONSE 8, le 17/11/2005.
Titre : Advances in power electronics and drives-their impact on energy and environment.
Cité dans : [DIV484] Recherche sur les mots clés HYDROGENE, PANNEAU SOLAIRE, EOLIENNE, SUPERCAPACITE, HYBRID VEHICLES et ENERGIE RENOUVELABLE, janvier 2011.Auteur : Bose, B.K. (Condra Chair of Excellence in Power Electron., Tennessee Univ., Seville, TN, USA)
Source : 1998 International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (IEEE
Cat. No.98TH8362)
Editor(s): Nayar,C.; Islam,S.; Keerthipala,W.W.L.; Lawrance,W.B.; Agelidis,V.
Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 1998. p.1 Vol.1 of 2 vol. (xxiii+1012) pp.
Conference: Perth, WA, Australia, 1-3 Dec 1998
Sponsor(s): CRESTA, Curtin Univ. of Technol.; Curtin Univ. of Technol.; IEEE WA Sect.; Power Electron.
Soc.; Australian Tourism Comm.; Perth Convention Bur.; PDL Industries Pty Ltd.; Qantas Airways
Price: CCCC 0 7803 4879 6/98/$10.00
ISBN: 0-7803-4879-6
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : General Review
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
Summary form only given. Energy has been the life-blood for continuing progress of human civilization.
Since the beginning of industrial revolution around two centuries ago, the global energy consumption has
increased by leaps and bounds to accelerate the human living standard on this planet, particularly in the
industrialized nations. Per-capita energy consumption, particularly in electrical form, has been a barometer
of a nation's economic prosperity. Today, the major amount of electricity is generated by fossil fuel and
nuclear power plants. Fossil Juel plants create environmental pollution problem whereas the nuclear plants
have safety problem. These pollution and safety problems are now causing major concerns in our society.
How can we continuously improve our living standard, and at the same time, live in a cleaner and safer
environment? Renewable energy sources, and possibly the fusion energy in future (if at all possible), can to
a certain extent mitigate these problems, but conservation of energy with more efficient use of electricity is a
definite method of solving this problem. Power electronics and drives technology is recently showing a major
impact in energy conservation besides its general role in global industrial automation. The presentation will
begin by broad introduction of global energy generation, depletion of fossil and nuclear fuels, environmental
pollution, and energy conservation scenarios. The role of power electronics and drives technology, which has
gone through rapid advancement during the last four decades will be reviewed in a broader perspective. The
recent advances of power semiconductor devices, converter topologies, variable frequency drives, control
and estimation techniques will be discussed, and technology trends will be outlined wherever possible. More
recently, the emerging AI technology tools, such as expert system, fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic
algorithm are expanding the frontier of power electronic and drives.
Accession_Number : 2005:8394846 INSPEC
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