P. VIAROUGE, F. TOURKHANI, I. KAMWA, H. LE-HUY, "Nonlinear optimization techniques for the design of static converters", IMACS-TC1, 1993, pp. 543-547.
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Article : [PAP204]

Info : ANSWER 127, le 29/01/2001.

Titre : P. VIAROUGE, F. TOURKHANI, I. KAMWA, H. LE-HUY, Nonlinear optimization techniques for the design of static converters, IMACS-TC1, 1993, pp. 543-547.

Cité dans : [DIV175]  Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.
Cité dans : [CONF006] IMACS & ElectrIMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, Technical Committee n°1, mars 2004.
Auteur : Viarouge, P.
Auteur : Tourkhani, F.
Auteur : Kamwa, I.
Auteur : Le-Huy, H. (Dept. de Genie Electr., Laval Univ., Que., Canada)

Source : IMACS - TC1 '93. 4th International Conference Proceedings.
Info : Computational Aspects of Electromechanical Energy Converters and Drives
Editors : Oliver, G.; Bouchard, R.-P. Montreal, Que., Canada: Ecole Polytech. Montreal, 1993.
Pages : 543 - 547 of xviii+732 pp.
Conference : Montreal, Que., Canada.
Date : 7-9 July 1993
Sponsors : IMACS; IEEE Montreal Sect
Info : Country of Publication : Canada
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 19 février 2001.

Abstract :
A computer aided design approach for power converters based on
nonlinear optimization is presented. Several methods are proposed to
formulate the design of a static converter as a nonlinear
optimization problem. The main problem concerns the modelling of the
steady state operation of the converter. Besides conventional
analytical approaches, a new method is proposed, in which the
determination of the steady state operation is formalized as a part
of the optimization problem. In this scheme, the influence of the
conduction voltages and resistances of the active and passive
components can be directly considered in the design optimization. A
bidirectional series-resonant converter (BSRC) design is shown to
illustrate the application of the optimization routines in power

Accession_Number : 1994:4778091 INSPEC



Références : 6 refs.
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[2] : P. E Gill, W.Murray and M.H. Wright "NPSOL manual guide" Stanford University.
[3] : F. Tourkhani "Etude et conception d'un convertisseur à résonnance série réversible en puissance" Thèse M.Sc Université LavaI 1991.
[4] : I. Schonek "Simulation numérique des convertisseurs statiques. Application à la conception et à l'optimisation des convertisseurs" Thèse de docteur ingénieur INP Toulouse 1977.
[5] : S. G.B Gordon and S.S. Robert "Optimization: theory and practice" New York: McGraw Hi111970.
[6] : P. E Gill, W.Murray and M.H. Wright, "Practical Optimization" Academic Press, Inc. 1981 ISBN 0122839501.

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