V. TEMPLE, "ThinPak package for power modules and hybrids", PCIM, no 12, 2000.
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Article : [PAP163]

Titre : V. TEMPLE, ThinPak package for power modules and hybrids, PCIM, no 12, 2000.

Cité dans :[REVUE175] PCIM Europe, Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems, no 11/2000.
Cité dans :[99DIV130] Recherche sur l'auteur Vic A.K. TEMPLE.
Auteur : Dr. Vic Temple - Silicon Power Corporation

Source : PCIM Europe, "Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems"
Info : ZM Communication, http://www.zm-com.com
Date : december 2000
Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP

Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU & Bibliothèque LMP.
Lien : pdf156.pdf - 172 Ko, 3 pages

Abstract : Low impedance, small size and weight are key
ThinPak technology provides for at least a factor of two reduction in power module size. It eliminates wire bonds, results
in near 100% yields, reduces parasitics by an order of magnitude and simplifies module manufacturing.

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