J. LAU, C.P. WONG, J.L. PRINCE, W. NAKAYAMA, "Electronic packaging : design, materials, process & reliability", McGraw-Hill, march 1998.
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Fiche : [LIVRE057]

Titre : J. LAU, C.P. WONG, J.L. PRINCE, W. NAKAYAMA, Electronic packaging : design, materials, process & reliability, McGraw-Hill, march 1998.

Cité dans : [DIV137]  Recherche sur les mots clés : FIABILIT* ou RELIABILITY, octobre 1999.
Cité dans :[ART538]
Auteurs : John LAU, C.P. WONG, John L. PRINCE, Wataru NAKAYAMA
Dr. John H. Lau, Express Packaging Systems, Inc.
Dr. C. P. Wong, Institute of Technology
Dr. John Prince, University of Arizona
Dr. Wataru Nakayama, University of Maryland

Lien : Lau1.jpg - 157x250, 14Ko.
Info : (Feb 1998) Hardcover: $69.00US (0-07-037135-0), http://www.pbg.mcgraw-hill.com/search.html
Stockage : bibliothèque LMP

Info. : Fiche N° LMP98-26d, McGraw-Hill
Référence : Livre 9817
Date_d'achat : 12 juin 1998
Prix : 689.28 F

Lau1.jpg - 24 Ko

Abstract :
Pressed to package robust IC devices with soaring clock speeds and pin counts? In Electronic Packaging: Design,
Materials,Process and Reliability, John H. Lau, Wataru Nakaylama, John Prince and C.P. Wong--experts in the fields
of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, thermal management and materials--pool their expertise to explain
all of today's major intercoonect and packaging technolgies including BGA, flip chip, DCA, CSP and more. They help
you instantly master all the critical problem-solving appraaches, understand tradeoffs and make reliable system level
decisions. This first-ever multidisciplinary approach to electronic packaging and interconnections packs complete
details on: Electrical effects in electronic packagin; Thermal stresses and strains; Transmission line behavior;
Conductive adhesives; Power and ground bus disturbances; Stress and strain reduction; Heat transfer; solder bumped
flip chips; Thermal, electrical and mechanical design; Passivation materials; Hardware components for cooling;
Coating materials; Measuring temperature, humidity, velocity, and pressure; Much more.

Table_of_Contents :
About the Authors.
Basic Electrical Effects in Electronic Packaging and Interconnects.
Thermal Design, Analysis, and Measurement of Electronic Packaging.
Mechanical Design, Analysis, Measurement, and Reliability of Electronic Packaging.
Polymers for Electronic Packaging: Materials, Processes, and Reliability.

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