E. HERR, U. BALTES, U. THIEMANN, T. STOCKMEIER, "Improving the gate oxide integrity of very high voltage MCT and IGBT devices by external gettering of metal impurities", ISPSD'94.
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Article : [ART248]

Info : REPONSE 9, le 13/05/2002.

Titre : E. HERR, U. BALTES, U. THIEMANN, T. STOCKMEIER, Improving the gate oxide integrity of very high voltage MCT and IGBT devices by external gettering of metal impurities, ISPSD'94.

Cité dans : [DATA240] Recherche sur l'auteur E. HERR, mai 2002.
Auteur : Herr, E. (ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switz)
Auteur : Baltes, H.
Auteur : Thiemann, U.;
Auteur : Stockmeier, T.

Meeting : Proceedings of the 1994 6th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & ICs.
Info : organization : Swiss Federal Institute of Technology; IEEE; IEE Japan
Location : Davos, Switz
Date : 31 May 1994-02 Jun 1994
Source : IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & ICs 1994.
Pages : 213 - 218
CODEN : 001709
Année : 1994
Meeting_Number : 42306
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Language : English
Stockage :
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Abstract :
We observed that gate oxides of MCT and IGBT devices exhibited lower
breakdown field strengths when the devices were fabricated on float-zone
(FZ) instead of Czochralski-grown (CZ) silicon starting material. This is
because of the different precipitation behavior of heavy metal
contaminants. Using neutron activation analysis (NAA), we determined Fe
and Ni concentration levels that weaken the gate oxides of BiMOS devices
on FZ silicon. We compared the effect of various external gettering
techniques on the gate oxide integrity.External gettering by polysilicon
layers and by argon implantation damage were employed on the wafer back to
improve the gate oxide integrity of BiMOS devices fabricated on FZ
material. (Author abstract)

Références : 13 Refs.

Accession_Number : 1995(11):8175 COMPENDEX

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