"Characterization of thermal loading in electronic distribution boxes", 1997.
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Article : [ART214]

Info : REPONSE 19, le 06/05/2002.

Titre : Characterization of thermal loading in electronic distribution boxes, 1997.

Cité dans : [DIV334]  Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.
Auteur : Nagaraj, C.S.
Auteur : Kulkarni, D. (United Technol. Autom., USA)

Source : 30th Annual Connector and Interconnection Symposium and Trade Show Waretown, NJ, USA: Int. Inst. Connector & Interconnection Technol, 1997. p.383-9 of 500 pp. 2 refs.
Conference : Anaheim, CA, USA, 22-24 Sept 1997
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
This paper presents a methodology for the characterization of the
thermal loading in electronic distribution boxes (EDB). The numerical
method for predicting the thermal loading within a junction box and
efficient management of such energy using finite element technique has
been adopted. By carefully isolating the effects of various sources and
sinks in the system, it is possible to show that the analytical approach
to predicting the temperature distribution can be fairly accurate and
prove to be a useful tool in the designing of thermally efficient junction
boxes. Thermomechanical fatigue in the soldered joints both in the case of
steady state thermal loading as well as short duration power cycling can
also be an issue. Several approximations are made for computability in
this work and provide scope for qualitative improvements in correlation as
well as achieving a more accurate solution.

Accession_Number : 1999:6324488 INSPEC

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