"Fatigue crack propagation mechanisms in an aluminium lithium alloy.
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Article : [ART161]

Info : REPONSE 102, le 04/02/2002.

Titre : Fatigue crack propagation mechanisms in an aluminium lithium alloy.

Cité dans : [DIV313]  Recherche sur l'auteur Narayanaswani RANGANATHAN, février 2002.
Auteur : Ranganathan, N.
Auteur : Adiwijayanto, F.
Auteur : Petit, J. (Lab. de Mecanique et Phys. de Materiaux, URA CNRS, Futuroscope, France)
Auteur : Bailon, J.P.

Source : Acta Metallurgica et Materialia (March 1995) vol.43, no.3, p.1029-35. 21 refs.
Price: CCCC 0956-7151/95/$9.50+0.00
ISSN : 0956-7151
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
Different fatigue micromechanisms have been identified by fractographic observations in an
aluminium-lithium alloy tested in vacuum and in air under constant and variable amplitude loading
conditions. In vacuum, large crystallographic facets are observed for all the studied test conditions. In air, for
constant amplitude test conditions, the different cracking mechanisms observed are (apart from facetted crack
growth) quasi intergranular cracking and cracking by formation of Herringbone patterns. Under certain
variable amplitude loading conditions crystallographic facets are not observed and evidence of striation
formation is found. The morphology of these striations is different from that of classical ductile striations.
This change in cracking mechanism is attributed to multiple slip activity and slip homogenization operating
only in air for particular loading conditions.

Accession_Number : 1995:4901471 INSPEC

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