R. REDL, B.P. ERISMAN, Z. ZANSKY, "Optimizing the load transient response of the buck converter", proceeding of APEC'98, pp 170-176.
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Article : [99ART033]

Titre : R. REDL, B.P. ERISMAN, Z. ZANSKY, Optimizing the load transient response of the buck converter, proceeding of APEC'98, pp 170-176.

Cité dans : [DIV007]  Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.
Cité dans :[99ART031] R. REDL, An economical single-phase passive power-factor-corrected rectifier: topology, operation, extensions, and design for compliance, proceeding of APEC'98, vol. 1, pp 454-460.
Auteurs : Redl, R.; Erisman, B.P.; Zansky, Z., ELFI S.A., Onnens, Switzerland

Appears : Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1998. APEC '98. Conference Proceedings 1998., Thirteenth Annual
Pages : 170 - 176 vol.1
Date : 15-19 Feb. 1998
ISBN : 0-7803-4340-9, IEEE Catalog Number: 98CH36154, Total Pages: 2 vol. xxix+1178, Accession Number: 5870895
Lien : private/REDL2.pdf - 7 pages, xxx Ko.

Abstract :
The optimized gain of the voltage-error amplifier and current-mode control provide instantaneous transient response and
small DC shift of the output voltage for step changes in the load current. This paper analyzes the system, determines the
best compensation, provides design guidelines for buck converters powering Pentium(R) II processors and presents results of
simulations and experiments.

Subject_Terms :
microprocessor chips; Pentium(R) II processors; buck power converter; voltage-error amplifier; current-mode control;
microprocessor power supply; load transient response optimisation; compensation; design guidelines; output voltage DC shift;
DC/DC power conversion

References_Cited : 8

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