A. S. ZEIN EL DIN, S. A. MAHMOUD, "Efficient microcontroller-based cycloconverter control for universal motor", IECON '94, Italy, pp 532-537, 5-9 september 1994.
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Article : [99ART008]

Titre : A. S. ZEIN EL DIN, S. A. MAHMOUD, Efficient microcontroller-based cycloconverter control for universal motor, IECON '94, Italy, pp 532-537, 5-9 september 1994.

Auteurs : Zein El Din, A.S.; Mahmoud, S.A. (Fac. of Eng. & Technol., Menoufia Univ., Egypt)

Publication_Source :
IECON '94. 20th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (Cat. No.94CH3319-1)
New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1994. p.532-7 vol.1 of 3 vol. xxxvii+2154 pp. 7 refs.
Conference : Bologna, Italy, 5-9 Sept 1994
Sponsor(s) : Ind. Electron. Soc. IEEE; Soc. Instrum. & Control Eng. Japan; Electr. & Electron. Assoc. Italy
Price: CCCC 0 7803 1328 3/94/$03.00ISBN: 0-7803-1328-3
Treatment_Code : 5 Session Transcript Apr 06 17:06:09 1999

Abstract :
The paper presents a study of the performance of a universalmotor during transient and steady-state periods, by varying the
frequency of its output voltage. The motor is fed using a three-phase to single-phase cycloconverter controlled by an
efficient microcontroller (Motorola MC68332). A method for developing the control scheme of phase controlled cycloconverter
achieves low harmonics. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control method is useful in industrial
applications which need variable speed with good motor performance.

Accession_Number : 95:4945923

INSPEC : Numéro de réponse 6

Cité dans : [DIV152]  Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASE

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