"Spatial temperature profiles due to nonuniform self-heating in LDMOS's in thin SOI".
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Article : [SHEET177]

Titre : Spatial temperature profiles due to nonuniform self-heating in LDMOS's in thin SOI.

Cité dans : [DATA036] Recherche sur les mots clés 3D simulation with ISE for semiconductor, 2000.
Auteur : LEUNG YK
Auteur : KUEHNE SC
Auteur : HUANG VS
Auteur : NGUYEN CT
Auteur : PAUL AK
Auteur : WONG SS

Adresse : Stanford Univ, Stanford CA, USA
Nature : Périodique
Source : IEEE Electron Device Letters
ISSN : 0741-3106
Pays : USA
Date : 1997
Volume : 18
Numéro : 1
Pages : 13 - 15
Références : 9 Refs.
Langue : Anglais

Résumé :
Temperature profiles resulting from self-heating in SOI-LDMOS devices with uniformly doped and linearly graded drift regions were measured using a resistance thermometry technique. Two-dimensional electrothermal device simulations were performed and the results agreed with the experiments. Because of the different power dissipation profiles, RESURF devices with a uniformly doped drift region assume a fairly uniform temperature distribution while devices with a linearly graded drift region have a much higher temperature rise near the source than the drain. This local hot spot near the source raises reliability issues in device design.

Code : 001D03F; 001B40D60; 001B00G20D; 001D06D07B; 001C01; 001D02B12; 230
Mots_clés : Chimie physique; Energie ; Expérience ; Technologie silicium sur isolant ; Champ température ; Mesure température ; Chauffage électrique ; Dopage(impureté) ; Simulation ordinateur ; Dissipation énergie ; Fiabilité ; Structure MOS
Mots_clés : Physical chemistry; Energy ; Temperature profile ; Drift regions ; Resistance thermometry technique ; Two dimensional electrothermal device simulation ; Self heating effect ; Power dissipation profile ; Experiments ; Silicon on insulator technology ; Temperature distribution ; Temperature measurement ; Electric heating ; Doping (additives) ; Computer simulation ; Energy dissipation ; Reliability ; MOS devices
Mots_clés : Fisicoquimica; Energia
Localisation : INIST - 222 V
Numéro : 97-0119501; INIST

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