R. ALLAN, "Power semiconductors.", IEEE Spectrum, Vol.12, N° 11, pp 37;40-44, November 1975.
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Article : [99ART049]

Titre : R. ALLAN, Power semiconductors., IEEE Spectrum, Vol.12, N° 11, pp 37;40-44, November 1975.

Cité dans : [DIV137]  Recherche sur les mots clés : FIABILIT* ou RELIABILITY, octobre 1999.
Auteur : Roger Allan

Source : IEEE Spectrum (Nov. 1975) vol.12, no.11, p.37, 40-4. 0 refs.
CODEN : IEESAM ISSN: 0018-9235, Document Type : Journal, Treatment Code : General Review, Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Info : INSPEC Numéro de réponse 6 - STN Easy le 21 mai 1999

Abstract :
The present crop of new power semiconductor devices is characterised by high switching speeds, higher voltage and
current ratings, greater reliability and lower prices than its predecessor. Today's multikiloampere and -kilovolt
silicon-controlled rectifiers (SRCs) with switching speeds of many kilohertz are a far cry from the first ones
invented back in 1957. They are the end product of two decades of a quiet evolution in power semiconductors that
has vastly improved not only SCRs but other thyristors, such as triacs, as well as rectifiers and power transistors.
As a result, applications for power semiconductor devices are growing rapidly.

Accession_Number : 76:868065

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