"A variable inductor for power applications using coupled circuits".
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Article : [TRIAC080]

Titre : A variable inductor for power applications using coupled circuits.

Adresse : Menoufia univ., dep. electrical eng., Shebin El-Kom, EGY
Nature : Périodique
Source : Electric machines and power systems; ISSN 0731-356X; USA; DA. 1992; VOL. 20; NO. 5; PP. 513-525; BIBL. 5 ref.; LANGUE: Anglais
Info : Base de données PASCAL le 23/02/2000 - Mots clés français : TRIAC - 12 réponses !
Résumé : In this paper, a variable inductor suitable for power system applications is presented. The inductor variation is based on varying the number of turns in a secondary circuit using triac switches. Unlike thyristor-controlled reactors, the inductance of the proposed reactor is varied in steps but without causing distortion in the inductor current. Mathematical expression for the effective impedance of the reactor is developed. Theoretical results are compared with those obtained experimentally using a test model
Code : 001D05H
Mots_clés : Inductance variable ; Circuit secondaire ; Transformateur puissance ; Commutation ; Circuit commande ; Triac ; Modèle théorique ; Impédance électrique ; Schéma équivalent ; Analyse performance
- Adjustable reactor ; Secondary circuit ; Power transformer ; Switching ; Control circuit ; Triac ; Theoretical model ; Electrical impedance ; Equivalent circuit ; Performance analysis
- Inductancia variable ; Circuito secundario ; Transformador potencia ; Conmutación ; Circuito control ; Triac ; Modelo teórico ; Impedancia eléctrica ; Esquema equivalente ; Análisis eficacia
Localisation : INIST - 17403 - 354000031687550100
Numéro : 92-0661918; INIST

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