V. HUSA, J. KRIZ, J. LADNAR, "Triac-a significant element in the control of an alternating current".
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Article : [TRIAC037]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 60 - 29 septembre 1999

Titre : V. HUSA, J. KRIZ, J. LADNAR, Triac-a significant element in the control of an alternating current.

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Auteur : V. Husa
Auteur : J. Kriz
Auteur : J. Ladnar

Source : Elektrotechnicky Obzor vol.59, no.1.
Pages : 7 à 10
Date : 1970
ISSN : 0013-5798
Document_Type : Journal
Country_of_Publication : Czechoslovakia
Language : Czech

Abstract :
The physical problems of the Triac and the selection of a structure at which the element can be controlled in the 4th quadrant are dealt with. A structure is also suggested for the
case when the element cannot be controlled in this quadrant. In conclusion, a technological conception is described according to which the large-scale manufacture of these
elements will be introduced in the Tesla- Piestany works. The provisional technical conditions for the type TC 6 (6Aef) are also mentioned.


Accession_Number : 1970:131817

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