E.P. WIECHMANN, J.R. ESPINOZA, J.R. RODRIGUEZ, "Asynchronous bidirectional direct frequency converter controlled by space vectors", IEEE Colloquium in South America, 1990, pp. 177-183.
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Article : [SHEET479]

Info : INSPEC ANSWER 89, le 18/10/2000.

Titre : E.P. WIECHMANN, J.R. ESPINOZA, J.R. RODRIGUEZ, Asynchronous bidirectional direct frequency converter controlled by space vectors, IEEE Colloquium in South America, 1990, pp. 177-183.

Cité dans : [DATA203] Recherche sur les mots clés CONVERTER et INDIRECT, octobre 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV099]  Recherche sur les mots clés : CONVERTISSEUR DIRECT AC-AC MATRICIEL
Auteur : Wiechmann, E.P. (Concepcion Univ., Chile)
Auteur : Espinoza, J.R.
Auteur : Rodriguez, J.R.

Source : Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Colloquium in South America (Cat. No.90TH0344-2)
Editor(s) : Tompkins, W.J. New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1990.
Pages : 177 - 183 of x+331 pp.
Références : 5 refs.
Conference : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay.
Date : 31 Aug-15 Sept 1990
Sponsor(s) : IEEE
Price : CCCC 0 87942 610 1/90/1100-0177$01.00
ISBN : 0-87942-610-1
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/WIECHMANN.pdf - 289 Ko, 7 pages.

Abstract :
A novel direct frequency convertor (DFC) structure is presented. The proposed DFC exhibits inherent semiconductor current balance, low commutation losses, unrestricted frequency output, high dynamic response and requires small AC filter compensation. Moreover, the converter offers 73% higher voltage than the traditional indirect frequency converter. Simulation based on a discrete state instantaneous transfer matrix is introduced to model the complex circuit structure. The fast processing, accuracy and generality of the model presented is used to obtain a performance comparison in a per unit basis between the proposed DFC and the widely used indirect frequency converter.

Accession_Number : 1992:4039210 INSPEC

From Catagne


Source : Colloquium in South America, 1990., Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE
Pages : 177 - 183
Date : 31 Aug.-15 Sept. 1990
ISBN : 0-87942-610-1
Info : Total Pages : x+331
References : 5
Accession_Number : 4039210

Abstract :
A novel direct frequency convertor (DFC) structure is presented.
The proposed DFC exhibits inherent semiconductor current balance,
low commutation losses, unrestricted frequency output, high
dynamic response and requires small AC filter compensation.
Moreover, the converter offers 73% higher voltage than the
traditional indirect frequency converter. Simulation based on a
discrete state instantaneous transfer matrix is introduced to
model the complex circuit structure. The fast processing,
accuracy and generality of the model presented is used to obtain
a performance comparison in a per unit basis between the proposed
DFC and the widely used indirect frequency converter.

Subject_terms :
asynchronous bidirectional direct frequency convertor; space
vectors; DFC; inherent semiconductor current balance; commutation
losses; unrestricted frequency output; dynamic response; AC
filter compensation; discrete state instantaneous transfer
matrix; frequency convertors; vectors

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