D.P.H. HASSELMAN, "Thermal Stress Crack Instability and Propagation in severe thermal environments", Ceramics in Severe Environments, Proc. of the Sixth Univ. Conf. on Ceram. Sci., North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh, December 7-9, 1970.
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Titre : D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Thermal Stress Crack Instability and Propagation in severe thermal environments, Ceramics in Severe Environments, Proc. of the Sixth Univ. Conf. on Ceram. Sci., North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh, December 7-9, 1970.

Cité dans : [DATA198] Recherche sur l'auteur D.P.H. HASSELMAN.
Auteur : Hasselman D.P.H.

Source : Ceramics in Severe Environments - Proc. of the Sixth Univ. Conf. on Ceram. Sci.- North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh
Info : avec discussion de D.D. Briggs, D.J. Godfrey, J.C. Conway, S.A. Bortz, S.C. Carniglia, S.W. Wiederhorn.
Pages : 89 - 103
Date : December 7-9 1970
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 6 novembre 2000.

Références : 30

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