"Experimental and numerical investigations on a hard GTO turn-on process.
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Article : [SHEET371]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 3, le 19/06/2000.

Titre : Experimental and numerical investigations on a hard GTO turn-on process.

Cité dans : [DATA146] LTN, Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles, INRETS, Arcueil, France.
Auteur : Khatir, Z.
Auteur : Lallemand, R. (INRETS-LTN, France

Source : EPE '95. 6th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications Brussels, Belgium: EPE Assoc, 1995. p.183-8 vol.1 of 4 vol. (xxxii+42+xxxiv+948+xxx+928+1032) pp. 5 refs.
Conference : Seville, Spain, 19-21 Sept 1995
Sponsor : Eur. Power Electron. & Drives Assoc
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : Belgium
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
Turn-on phenomena for GTO thyristors, when the voltage between anode
and cathode terminals is near zero, are investigated in both
experimental and numerical ways. Overvoltages may appear during
these processes and may be fatal to the device because of the
transient dissipated power. A description of this type of turn-on
process has been done. Numerical investigations have shown the
influence on the transient behaviour of the gate current values and
waveforms, the delay time between GTO on-trigger and anode current
rising through the GTO and finally the current rate of rise dI/dt.
Particularly, it is shown that P-base structural parameters have a
fundamental influence on the turn-on process.

Accession_Number : 1997:5545960

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