P. BAUER, J. KOLAR, "Teaching Power Electronics in 21 Century", EPE'2001.
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Article : [PAP332]

Titre : P. BAUER, J. KOLAR, Teaching Power Electronics in 21 Century, EPE'2001.

Cité dans : [DIV174]  EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.
Auteur : Bauer P.
Auteur : Kolar Johan

Congrés : 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications"
Date : du 25 au 29 août 2001
Lien : private/PP00927.pdf - 231 Ko, 12 pages
Adresse :
Delft University of Technology,
Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
Lien : "mailto:P.Bauer@its.tudelft.nl"
Site : http://ee.its.tudelft.nl/epp/A_Frames.htm

Adresse :
ETH Zurich; Power Electronics Laboratory
Physikstrasse 2, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Lien : "mailto:kolar@lem.ee.ethz.ch"

Keywords : Education methodology, Education tools and Simulation.

Abstract :
Web based learning tool and two projects oriented practicals for power electronics education are
introduced in the paper: problem based learning in the first year of study (Theme project) and design
oriented practical for the fourth year of study as a supplement to lectures of Power Electronics.

References : 7
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[3] : O. Rompelman, M. Vellekoop: A first year course in integrative learning: a practical example of 'back to the basics', In: Anders Hagström (Ed.): Engineering education: Rediscovering the Centre, Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference '99, Winterthur/Zürich (Switzerland), September 1-3, 1999, 225-230.
[4] : M.G.J. van Noord, P.H.F. Morshuis, M.D. Verweij, J.A. Ferreira, J.J. Smit and L. van der Sluis: Physics for Refreshmen in Electrical Engineering.
[5] : Caspoc, Simulation Research, The Netherlands, http://www.caspoc.com
[6] : Infeon; Microcontrollers ApNote, AP0836
[7] : U.Drofenik, J.Kolar, P.Bauer: New Web-Based E-Learning Tool for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines;IEEE IAS Annual meeting, Chicago,2001.

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