"Analysis and design of optimum-amplitude nine-switch direct AC-AC converters"
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Titre : Analysis and design of optimum-amplitude nine-switch direct AC-AC converters

Auteurs : Alesina A., Venturini M.G.B., Dept. of Math., Milan Univ., Italy

Revue : Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 101 - 112
Date : Jan. 1989
Volume : 4
Issue : 1
ISSN : 0885-8993
References_Cited : 10
Accession Number : 3377633

The maximum input-output transformer ratio, or output voltage ability, of direct AC-AC pulse-width-modulated converters is explored. An
intrinsic limit, independent of the control algorithm, is found. A suitable novel converter control algorithm is discussed which achieves such
maximum output amplitude ability and displays some interesting features. Finally, the opportunity to implement AC-AC converter control with
the use of feedback techniques is considered, and a feedback-based control algorithm for the converter is proposed.<>

Subject Terms:
optimum-amplitude nine-switch convertor; PWM; direct AC-AC converters; maximum input-output transformer ratio; output voltage ability;
pulse-width-modulated converters; control algorithm; feedback techniques; feedback; power convertors; pulse width modulation

  [1] :  [PAP048]  A. ALESINA, M.G.B. VENTURINI, Solid-state power conversion; a Fourier analysis approach to generalized transformer synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, April 1981, vol. CAS-28, no.4, pp. 319-330.
Cité dans : [PAP075]  A. CHRISTENSSON, Switch-effective modulation strategy for matrix converter, EPE'97.

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