J.A. RICE, "Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis", Duxbury Press, 1995.
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Titre : J.A. RICE, Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Duxbury Press, 1995.

Cité dans :[PAP285]
Auteur : John A. Rice

Stockage :
Lien : PAP285.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [6].
Source : Duxbury Press
Date : 1995
ISBN_10 : 0534209343 / 0-534-20934-3
ISBN_13 : 9780534209346

Synopsis :
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Second Edition, introduces the important modern ideas of statistics into a mathematical statistics course, emphasizing data analysis, graphics, and computer-driven techniques. To show the integral role mathematical statistics plays in More...
actual statistical practice and scientific investigations, the book examines real problems with real data to motivate your understanding of theory. In this edition, the author has integrated bootstrap material with more traditional inferential procedures, added coverage of the Monte Carlo method, and completely revised presentation of confidence intervals in his treatment of survey sampling. In addition, many new examples have been added to clarify concepts, along with more than 150 new exercises designed to reinforce your ability to perform calculations. ...Shrink

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