Guide of Electric Submission for CD-ROM AND PROCEEDINGS


 For the making CD-ROM and Proceedings, you are kindly requested to also send an electronic copy with your manuscript, MS Word or PDF format (the later preferred), by means of floppies or whatever medium to the Secretariat. 

We cannot process LaTeX style file.

(E-mail as an attached file is not acceptable.)

When you convert MS word file to PDF format, please make sure following matters,

 1) Use "PrintOptimized (Color 300dpi,gray 300dpi,B/W 1200dpi) option" for the conversion setting of Acrobat Distiller

 2) Check whether character transformation has been carried out properly with Acrobat English version, if possible.

 3) Do not apply Security Option. Additional words will be embedded.

 4) When you surely use non-English word, please be sure to embed a font (This function can be used with Acrobat4.0 or later version).

 5) When you send an MS Word file, do not use non-English words, notations.

 Please be consistent in how you name the files you are submitting.

           (i.e. paper#.doc (a Word file) and paper#.pdf (a PDF file)).

We recommend that if you are submitting a paper for #201, your paper should be named as "201.doc" and/or "201.pdf".

Please write the software name (MS Word or PDF) and the version (ex. English 4.0) you used on the label of the floppy disk.


Please submit your disk and manuscript no later than February 28, 2001 to:

 Secretariat for ISPSD '01

c/o Business Center for Academic Societies Japan

5-16-9 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8622


Phone: +81 3 5814 5800           Fax:  +81 3 5814 5823


Young Researcher Award


Paper presented by young researchers (30 years old or below including the person who was born in 1970) and based on their own work will be considered for the award.

For the award application, it is requested that the manuscript is identified as a young researcher paper at the time of submission and that the applicant is the first author of the paper and is presenting the paper at an oral session.