4. C-V measurements - and its implication on oxide, transistor and non-volatile memory cell reliability

Moderators: Udo Schwalke (Siemens) and Barton Gordon (Materials Development Corporation)

For several decades, the capacitance-voltage (C-V) method has been a popular tool to study semiconductor and oxide properties. For example, the extraction of SiO2/Si interface state densities together with their distribution in the band gap and the determination of fixed oxide charges provided useful information for the understanding of MOS degradation phenomena and oxide breakdown. However, after so many years, is the C-V method still of interest and what is currently its implication on oxide, transistor and non-volatile memory cell reliability? It is the aim of the discussion group to sample the present extent of use of C-V techniques among the participants, discuss possible applications of C-V measurements within the framework of MOS reliability and evaluate some recent developments in the field of C-V measurements.

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