The Symposium will feature the latest in service providers, equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

A large exhibit floor will give the opportunity to key-vendors to represent  the core business area in these fields.

Equipment exhibitors will offer a cocktail party on Tuesday, October 2.

For further information concerning the equipment exhibition, please contact :

A. BELLIER  - ADERA (France) -

Centre Condorcet, 162 avenue Albert Schweitzer - F-33608 PESSAC CEDEX


Equipment Exhibitors (preliminary list on June 2001) :


AETRIUM                                              USA

AMS/Xtec                                               France

B & G                                                     USA

DEDICATED SYSTEM                         The Netherlands

DIGIT CONCEPT                                   France

ELEXIENCE/HITACHI                          France

ELSEVIER Science                                The Netherlands

FEI                                                          The Netherlands

FIRFAX                                                  France

HTT High Tech Trade                            Germany

INSIDIX                                                  France

KARL SUSS                                           France

K & W                                                    France

KNIGHTS                                               Germany

LCIE                                                       France

MASER Engineering                               The Netherlands

MB Electronique                                     France

METALSCAN                                        France

NEXTRAL UNAXIS                              France

OMICRON                                              Germany

ORS                                                        France

ORSAY PHYSICS/RAITH                     France

PHOTONICS/HAMATSU                      France

PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS                  Germany

QUALITAU                                            Israel

SAGITA                                                  Israel

SCHLUMBERGER                                 France

SELA                                                      The Netherlands

SERMA Technologies                            France

SILVACO                                               France

SONOSCAN                                           United Kingdom

TRIPLE O                                               Germany

ZEISS                                                      France