E'go China Electronics, "USB ISP Programmer for ATMEL AVR 51-ATMega-ATTiny", septembre 2011.
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Fiche : [DIV619]

Titre : E'go China Electronics, USB ISP Programmer for ATMEL AVR 51-ATMega-ATTiny, septembre 2011.

Cité dans : [DIV126]  T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022.
Cité dans : [DIV617]  T. LEQUEU, Prog. 11 - AT90CAN / Programmation de la carte d'étude de l'AT90CAN - Langage C, Documentation de programmation, septembre 2014.
Cité dans : [DIV517]  T. LEQUEU, Prog. 03 - ATmega8535 / Programmation de la carte d'étude de l'ATmega8535 - Langage C et assembleur, Documentation de programmation, avril 2020.
Auteur : E'go China Electronics

Web : http://www.egochina.cc
E-mail : mailto:info@egochina.cc
E-mail : mailto:egochina8848@gmail.com
Lien : http://cgi.ebay.fr/USB-ISP-Programmer-for-ATMEL-AVR-51-ATMega-ATTiny-/200460739146?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eac64224a
Lien : ISP-USB.pdf - 5 pages, 285 Ko, copie du site web.
Site : http://www.overware.fr/tutoriels/2012/04/Programmateur-ATmega-USBasp/ - le 17 août 2012.
Lien : Overware-Atmega-USBASP.pdf - 3 pages, 135 Ko.
Lien : http://www.overware.fr/files/avr/winAVRDUDE.zip - 5745 Ko - Les programmes.

Vers : Products Introduce
Vers : Download supporting information
Vers : Notes
Vers : Packing List
Vers : Installing Diagram

ISP-programmer-EGOCHINA.jpg - 51 Ko

Products Introduce


This programmer is based on Thomas Fischl's USBasp design and connects to your computer's USB port.
Not only is it quite compact, but the design is really elegent.
The USB interface is achieved by using an atmega processor and the rest is done in firmware.
- With 500mA over-current protection self-recovery fuse, and complete protection of expensive computer motherboard.
- designed for notebook computers, special two 3.6V regulator, a perfect match to level, get rid of the instability of hardware hidden! Target board power mode jumper settings.
- The well-configured firmware, the speed of the unique adaptive technology, stability and obtain the best balance between speed! Supports firmware upgrade unlimited!

Download supporting information


Lien : ISP-USB.rar - 1923 Ko - Including driver, download software, Instruction Manual (Chinese) .
Info : Support Windows VISTA & Windows 7
Info : For those interested, the firmware source code can be downloaded from the USBasp website : http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/



1. The Instruction Manual is write in Chinese, please confirm you can make it work by yourself.
2. AVR Fighter is write in Chinese also as following diagram:
3. We haven't technology support for this development kit.

ISP-USB-1.jpg - xx Ko

Packing List


1. USB ISP Programmer for ATMEL AVR within fuse

2. ISP Download Cable

ISP-USB-2.jpg - xx Ko

51 Series:


AVR Series:













AT90CAN64?AT90CAN128?AT90PWM2(B)?AT90PWM3(B) etc.

Installing Diagram


- Insert it, and then "USB Device"

ISP-USB-3.jpg - xx Ko

- The following diagram is Installing completely.

ISP-USB-4.jpg - xx Ko

- The following Link Diagram is according AT89S52

ISP-USB-5.jpg - xx Ko

Note : If you give USBASP upgrade the firmware, you will need another one download cable (Parallel or USB available)

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