UNITRODE, "U-111, Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power Supplies", UNITRODE, SLUA110, September 1999, 19 pages.
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Article : [DIV474]

Titre : UNITRODE, U-111, Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power Supplies, UNITRODE, SLUA110, September 1999, 19 pages.

Cité dans : [DIV095]  Librairie TEXAS INSTRUMENTS - UNITRODE et Notes d'applications diverses, octobre 2013.
Cité dans : [DIV126]  T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022.
Cité dans :[LIVRE384]

Source : Unitrode http://www.ti.com Texas Instruments
Adresse : Unitrode Integrated Circuits Corporation - Southeast Design Center - 1005 Slater Road, Suite 206 - Morrisville, NC 27560 - (919) 94l-6355
Lien : SLUA110.pdf - 19 pages, 273 Ko, "U-111, Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power Supplies", UNITRODE.
Pages : 1 - 19
Date : September 1999

Lien : UC1864.pdf - 12 pages, 532 Ko, UC1861-1868, UC2861-2868, UC3861-3868, Resonant-Mode Power Supply Controllers, Controls Zero Current Switched (ZCS), SLUS289 - OCTOBER 1998.

This application note explains the numerous PWM functions and ways to maximize their usefulness.
It covers practical circuit design considerations, such as slope compensation, gate drive circuitry, external control functions, synchronization, and paralleling current-mode controlled modules.
Circuit diagrams and simplified equations are included.
Download .pdf (slua110.pdf, 787 Kbytes) (Requires Acrobat Reader 4.x)

Introduction :
This detailed section contains an in-depth explanation of
the numerous PWM functions, and how to maximize their
usefulness. It covers a multitude of practical circuit design
considerations, such as slope compensation, gate drive
circuitry, external control functions, synchronization, and
paralleling current mode controlled modules. Circuit dia-grams
and simplified equations for the above items of inter-est
are included. Familiarity with these topics will simplify
the design and debugging process, and will save a great
deal of time for the power supply design engineer.

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