AN827, "A 500W High Power Factor with the L4981A continous mode IC", Application Note, STMicroelectronics, jully 1995.
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Fiche : [DIV184]

Titre : AN827, A 500W High Power Factor with the L4981A continous mode IC, Application Note, STMicroelectronics, jully 1995.

Cité dans : [DIV009]  Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005.
Cité dans : [DATA193] Recherche sur les PFC, Power Factor Controller, novembre 2004.
Auteur : ST Mircroelectronics

Date : juillet 1995
Pages : 1 - 16
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : AN827.pdf - 309 Ko.
Mot clef : PFC, Power Factor Corrector

Résumé :
The widespread use of passive AC/DC off-line converters causes low power factor and high line
current harmonic distortion. To reduce these phenomena and to comply with relevant regulatory
agency requirements such as IEC555-2, designers are employing active power factor correction in
their off-line SMPS applications. This paper describes a practical, low cost and easy to implement
500W power factor corrected application that employs the L4981A Continuous Mode PFC IC.

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