"Reliability of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules", 2001.
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Article : [ART189]

Info : REPONSE 2 © 2002 EI, le 06/05/2002.

Titre : Reliability of power cycling for IGBT power semiconductor modules, 2001.

Cité dans : [DIV334]  Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.
Auteur : Morozumi, A. (Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Matsumoto Factory, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0821, Japan)
Auteur : Yamada, K.
Auteur : Miyasaka, T.
Auteur : Seki, Y.

Meeting : 36th IAS Annual Meeting -Conference Record of the 2001 Industry Applications.
Location : Chicago, IL, United States
Date : 30 Sep 2001-04 Oct 2001

Source : Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society) v 3 2001.
Pages : 1912 - 1918
Infos : (IEEE cat n 01CH37248)
ISSN : 0197-2618
Année : 2001
Meeting_Number : 58807
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches : IGBT

Abstract :
Power cycling capability is one of the most important reliability
items in the application of power semiconductor modules. This paper
describes the failure mechanism of power cycling by analysis of the
structure of lead-based solder and joint failure due to fatigue was
studied to ascertain improvement in the power cycling lifetime. Lead-based
solder has a relatively weaker yield-strength which means that plastic
deformation leads to deterioration. Therefore, tin-silver based solder was
selected as a higher yield-strength material, and a new composition which
has both excellent mechanical properties and wettability was developed.
Concerning the failure mechanism of power cycling for this newly developed
solder material, solder joint failure and aluminum wire bond failure were
clearly distinguished, and the lifetime prediction curve was clarified by
FEM analysis and detailed failure analysis. Furthermore, it was proved
that the deterioration of new tin-silver based solder is caused by thermal
fatigue with the grain growth of tin. Thus, longer power cycling
capability is achieved by using this newly developed solder instead of
conventional lead-based solder.

References : 11 Refs.

Accession_Number : 2001(53):1945 COMPENDEX

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