Guillaud X., Vandecasteele F., Wulverick M., Hautier J.P., "New Concept of Controller for the Control of Alternative Quantities", EPE'99.
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Article : [99ART148]

Titre : Guillaud X., Vandecasteele F., Wulverick M., Hautier J.P., New Concept of Controller for the Control of Alternative Quantities, EPE'99.

Cité dans :[99DIV076] EPE'99, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Suisse, 7-9 septembre 1999.
Auteurs : X.Guillaud, F. Vandecasteele, M. Wulverick, J.P. Hautier
Adresse : L2EP - group ENSAM 8, bd Louis XIV, 59046 LILLE CEDEX FRANCE
Phone : 33- 3 20 62 22 29
Lien :
Lien : private/PP431.pdf - 211 Ko.

Keywords : Control, Variable speed drives, DSP, Adaptive control

Abstract :
A lot of power electronic systems need the control of alternative quantities. The introduction of resonant
element in correctors is a well-suited solution to achieve this function. Indeed, the loop gain is infinite at
resonance frequency so the disturbances of same frequencies are cancelled out and a sinusoidal
reference is perfectly tracked. In order to apply this concept in variable speed drive of electrical
machines, the resonance frequency might be adapted to these of the current references. Experimental
results on an asymmetrical induction motor confirm this assertion. This idea is then extended to
multifrequency resonant corrector.

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