J.L. SANCHEZ, P. LETURCQ, P. AUSTIN, R. BERRIANE, M. BREIL, C. ANCEAU, C. AYELA, "Design and fabrication of new high voltage current limiting devices for serial protection applications" ISPSD'96, pp. 201-205.
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Article : [99ART141]

Titre : J.L. SANCHEZ, P. LETURCQ, P. AUSTIN, R. BERRIANE, M. BREIL, C. ANCEAU, C. AYELA, Design and fabrication of new high voltage current limiting devices for serial protection applications ISPSD'96, pp. 201-205.

Cité dans :[99ART140] J.-L. LAUR, J.-L. SANCHEZ, P. AUSTIN, J. JALADE, M. MARMOUGET, M. BREIL, M. ROY, New integrated devices for units protection : circuit-breaker structures, EPE'99.
Cité dans :[99DIV112] Publications du LAAS, janvier 2000.
Auteur : Sanchez, J.L.
Auteur : Leturcq, P.
Auteur : Austin, P.
Auteur : Berriane, R.
Auteur : Breil, M.
Auteur : Anceau, C.
Auteur : Ayela, C. - Lab. d'Anal. et d'Archit. des Syst., CNRS, Toulouse, France

Editors : Salama, C.A.T., Williams, R.K.
Appears : Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs, 1996. ISPSD '96 Proceedings., 8th International Symposium on
Page : 201 - 205
Date : 20-23 May 1996
ISBN : 0-7803-3106-0, IEEE Catalog Number: 96CH35883, Total Pages: 362, Accession Number : 5385209
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/Sanchez1.pdf - 5 pages, 424 Ko.

Abstract :
This paper describes the design and fabrication of new
two-terminal semiconductor devices, based on the concept of
"functional integration", acting as current limiter for high
voltage applications (400 V to 1,000 V). In the first section,
the optimization of structures and fabrication processes are
considered using 2D simulation tools SUPREM IV and PISCES. In the
second section, the first experimental results of these devices
are presented.

Subjet_terms :
overcurrent protection; protection; current limiters; power
semiconductor devices; fabrication; HV current limiting devices;
serial protection applications; two-terminal semiconductor
device; 2D simulation tools; SUPREM IV; PISCES; 400 to 1000 V

Reference_cited : 8

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