"Device protecting electrical motors from damage."
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Référence : [99ART014]

Titre : Device protecting electrical motors from damage.

Author : Pryakhin, V.Ya.

Publication_Source :
Promyshlennaya Energetika (July 1988) no.7, p.21-2. 0 refs.CODEN: PREGAI ISSN:
8 Session Transcript Apr 06 17:06:09 1999
Document Type
Treatment Code
Country of Publication
Abstract :
A universal device for protecting motors from overload, a rise in the temperature in its
windings, phase break, earthing break, short-circuiting and a drop in the mains voltage is
developed. The device is an individual attachment to the magnetic starter or contactor. When
the automatic device is on, the mains voltage is fed via the fuse to a single-phase step-down
transformer which has display lamps and a rectifier connected to its secondary winding.
When all 3 lamps are lit the device is fault-free and ready for operation. The input mains
voltage is controlled by an electronic voltage relay.

Accession_Number : 88:3255238

INSPEC : Numéro de réponse 12

Cité dans : [DIV152]  Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASE

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