EPE Journal, "European Power Electronics and Drives", Volume 11, N° 1, 2001.
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Fiche : [REVUE210]

Titre : EPE Journal, European Power Electronics and Drives, Volume 11, N° 1, 2001.

Cité dans : [DIV322]  Les revues EPE Journal et EPE Newsletter, février 2011.
Cité dans : [DIV007]  Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.
Cité dans : [CONF004] EPE, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, juillet 2012.
Volume : 11
Numero : 1
Date : 2001
Site_web : http://www.epe-association.org/
Stockage :

Vers : Editorial
Vers : Products and Applications
Vers : Test and measurments
Vers : Converters
Vers : News

epe11-1.jpg - 41 Ko



E=TeM² and EPE 2001, do not miss our next events
B. Sneyers, Secretary General of EPE Association
  [1] :  [CONF042] E=Tem2, Tomorrow's Education in Electrical Technologies: revisited Methods & Tools for renewed Motivation.
  [2] :  [DIV174]  EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.

Products and Applications


STATS announces lead-free IC packaging capability
Margaret Jones, ST Assembly Test Services Ltd New Automatic Franklin tester, Brockhaus news

Real-time development in MATLAB/Simulink, dSpace
IEC Standardization, Brockhaus

VAC introduces the first fully compliant T1.413 ADSL low pass filter worldwide

Test and measuments


The current sensors in power electronics, a review
F. Costa, P. Poulichet, F. Mazaleyrat, E. Labouré, LESIR-ENS, Cachan, France

Design of processing systems for state diagnosis of electrolytic capacitors
Amine Lahyani, INSAT, Tunis, Tunisie; Pascal Venet, Guy Grellet, CEGELY, Université Claude Bernard de Lyon, France

Special test circuit for the analysis of IGBT behaviour in ZCS commutation
A. Claudio, J. Aguayo, M. Cotorogea, CENIDET, Mexico



High frequency high voltage d.c. isolation transformer-rectifying module for power supply of technological equipment
N. Komarov, A. Podoltsev, I. Kucheryavaya, B. Lebedev, The Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



E=TeM² - Provisional Programme
Digital Control of AC drives uses dSpace at Aalborg University - Course on 15 - 17 May 2001
Call for papers - EPE Journal
  [1] :  [CONF042] E=Tem2, Tomorrow's Education in Electrical Technologies: revisited Methods & Tools for renewed Motivation.

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