J. CUVILLIER, D. LE HOUDEC, J. RICHARD, "How to make use of images of contact areas to foresee the slip of an object grasped by a robot's claw", 1991.
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Article : [PAP495]

Info : REPONSE 2, le 08/12/2001.

Titre : J. CUVILLIER, D. LE HOUDEC, J. RICHARD, How to make use of images of contact areas to foresee the slip of an object grasped by a robot's claw, 1991.

Cité dans : [DIV286]  Recherche sur l'auteur Jacques CUVILLIER, décembre 2001.
Auteur : Cuvillier, J. (LRII Nantes, France)
Auteur : Le Houedec, D.
Auteur : Richard, J.

Source : Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
Date : 1991
Volume : 8
Numéro : 3
Pages : 175 - 179
Price : CCCC 0736-5845/91/$3.00+0.00
ISSN : 0736-5845
Conference : Second International Conference on Robotics. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 26-28 June 1989
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
When a two-digit claw grasps an object, a contact spot on each jaw is involved in the grasping. A set of elementary contact points, each characterized by its coordinates and pressure force applied, constitutes a representative image of each contact spot. If a six-axis sensor in each jaw measures the forces/torques acting between the object and the claw, the risk of slipping can be calculated from the representative images. The risk of release by translation of the contact spot along the grasping surfaces is easy to calculate, but the risk of slipping by rotation round an instantaneous virtual pivot axis is more difficult. It requires the location of the pivot point of each contact spot, and then the calculation of the limit resistant torque relative to this point. This paper deals with the general aspect of the problem, and particularly with the means of locating the pivot point.

Accession_Number : 1991:3960040 INSPEC

References : 5

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