R. Petersen, W. De Ceuninck, L. De Schepper, O. Vendier, H. Blanck, D. Pons, "A refined method to measure the thermal resistance of heterojunction bipolar transistors under high-power conditions ", ESREF'2001, pp. 1591-1596
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Article : [PAP368]

Titre : R. Petersen, W. De Ceuninck, L. De Schepper, O. Vendier, H. Blanck, D. Pons, A refined method to measure the thermal resistance of heterojunction bipolar transistors under high-power conditions , ESREF'2001, pp. 1591-1596

Cité dans : [DATA227] ESREF'2001, 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Arcachon, France , 1-5 octobre 2001.
Auteur : R. Petersen (1)
Auteur : W. De Ceuninck (1)
Auteur : L. De Schepper (1)
Auteur : O. Vendier (2)
Auteur : H. Blanck (3)
Auteur : D. Pons (3)

Adresse : (1) Limburgs University Centre - Belgium, (2) ALCATEL Space - France, (3) United Monolithic Semiconductors - Germany
Source : ESREF'2001 - 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis - Arcachon - France.
Date : 1-5 octobre 2001
Site : http://www.elsevier.com/locate/microrel
Pages : 1591 - 1596
Lien : private/Petersen.pdf - 6 pages, 39 Ko.

Abstract :
The reliability of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT's) depends on parameters such as junction
temperature and current density. For the description of the failure behaviour of HBT devices, an extended
half-empirical Arrhenius model is used introducing a current acceleration exponent. The thermal
resistance (Rth) of the device has to be determined which is itself temperature dependent. The novel
approach presented in this paper allows the accurate determination of the device junction temperature and
thermal resistance of the HBT under actual working conditions at high collector currents. The current
exponent is estimated to be in the range between 1...2, based on prior knowledge gained on laser diodes,
which leaves a huge range of uncertainty. In this paper, this current exponent is determined by direct
measurement using two independent approaches with good correlation of results.



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