M. SAAD, T. Rafesthain, V. Rajagopalan, K. Al-Haddad, "Conception assistée par ordinateur des convertisseurs statiques directs", 1993.
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Article : [PAP141]

Info : COMPENDEX Numéro de réponse 3, 1999

Titre : M. SAAD, T. Rafesthain, V. Rajagopalan, K. Al-Haddad, Conception assistée par ordinateur des convertisseurs statiques directs, 1993.
Title : "Computer-aided design of direct static converters."

Cité dans : [DIV099]  Recherche sur les mots clés : CONVERTISSEUR DIRECT AC-AC MATRICIEL
Cité dans : [DIV175]  Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.
Cité dans : [PAP201]  N. EL-OUAFI, K. AL-HADDAD, AC/DC series resonant converter with unity power factor, HFPC 1994, pp. 575-585.
Auteur : Saad, M. (Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Trois-Rivieres, Que, Can)
Auteur : Rafesthain, T.
Auteur : Rajagopalan, V.
Auteur : Al-Haddad, K.

Source : Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering v 18 n 3 Jul 1993.
Pages : 97-103
ISSN : 0840-8688
Date : 1993
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application; Theoretical
Language : English; French

Abstract :
The notion of the commutation cell has been introduced and used to study the local and systemic aspects of the commutation
process, such as the functioning modes of a switch and the commutation mechanism.The goal of this paper is to show that
this notion can also be a tool in a computer-aided design software, for the study and synthesis of the topologies of static
converters.In this light, general laws and rules for electronic commutation are defined.Their application in an elementary
commutation cell allows a graphical analysis of input and output waveforms (current and voltage at the switches).
(Translated author abstract)

Accession_Number : 94(2):991

Références : 6 Refs.

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