A. ALESINA, M. VENTURINI, "Analysis and design of optimum-amplitude nine-switch direct AC-AC converters"
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Article : [PAP095]

Titre : A. ALESINA, M. VENTURINI, Analysis and design of optimum-amplitude nine-switch direct AC-AC converters

Cité dans : [DIV100]  Recherche sur l'auteur VENTURINI et CONVERTER, août 1998.
Auteur : Alesina, Alberto (Univ of Milan, Milan, Italy)
Auteur : Venturini, Marco G.B.

Recherche : STN Easy du 25 aout 1998, INSPEC

Source : IEEE Trans Power Electron
Volume : 4 N° 1
Date : Janvier 1989
Pages : p 101-112
ISSN : 0885-8993

Abstract :
The maximum input-output transformer ratio, or output voltage ability, of direct AC-AC pulse-width-modulated converters is explored.
An intrinsic limit, independent of the control algorithm, is found.A suitable novel converter control algorithm is discussed which
achieves such maximum output amplitude ability and displays some interesting features.Finally, the opportunity to implement AC-AC
converter control with the use of feedback techniques is considered, and a feedback-based control algorithm for the converter is proposed.

Références : 10

Accession_Number : 89(8):76101

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