"The application of the separately excited dc traction motor to dc and single phase ac rapid transit systems and electrified railroad. II.
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Article : [ART403]

Info : REPONSE 76, le 06/04/2003.

Titre : The application of the separately excited dc traction motor to dc and single phase ac rapid transit systems and electrified railroad. II.

Cité dans : [DIV393]  Recherche sur les SINGLE PHASE AC CHOPPER, mars 2003.
Auteur : van Eck, R.A. (Garrett Corp., Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Source : Conference record of 1969 4th annual meeting of the IEEE industry and general applications group
New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1969. p.229-37 of 659 pp.
Conference: Detroit, MI, USA, 12-16 Oct 1969
Sponsor(s): IEEE, Industry & General Applications Group, Southeastern Michigan Section
Document_Type : Conference Article
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
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Abstract :
Part I of this paper has described the characteristics and the construction of the separately excited DC traction motor. This type of
motor can be used for taction only because of the availability of large power thyristors. In this part, the type of control circuit
required in order to use the separately excited DC motor (DC-DC chopper or AC-DC converters) will be investigated depending on
the power supply available (AC or DC).

Accession_Number : 1970:110556 INSPEC

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